DOI:Ключові слова:
filtering materials, antibacterial and antiviral functions, bioaerosolsАнотація
The review is devoted to issues related to the selection of filter materials for the manufacturing of personal respiratory protection for the population, medical personnel during a pandemic. Biological aerosols, conditions of their formation and methods of capturing are characterized. The time of preservation of the virulent activity of microorganisms depends on their biological properties, air humidity and temperature, pH and salt composition of droplet aerosols, as well as physicochemical properties of sorbents. The main methods (chemical and biocatalytic modification, dessing and impregnation) of imparting antibacterial and virucidal properties to filter materials by biocides using, as well as the requirements for them are described. Because of the ongoing outbreak of a new coronavirus infection in the world, recognized by the WHO as a pandemic, it is of practical interest to provide promising bioprotection against pathogens of infectious diseases by including biocidal agents in filtering materials for respiratory purposes and identifying antibacterial and antiviral activity in existing chemisorption materials. Based on the analysis of the literature data, it was noted that the impregnated fibrous chemisorbents developed by the authors of the review based on biocides: N-containing organic bases (hexamethylenetetramine, ethanolamines); glycine; chelating agents (EDTA, phosphoric, hydroxyethylidenediphosphonic and citric acids); copper (II), nickel (II) and cobalt (II) complexes; acid-base indicators – should have additional antibacterial and antiviral functions. Chitosan, polyethyleneimine, ammonium quaternary bases, aminoalkanesulfonic acids, and dyes of various natures, including porphyrins, are promising for the creation of chemisorbents with biocidal properties.Посилання
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